apt Group joins the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative
The apt Group joined the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) in December with its parent company apt Holding GmbH. ASI is a non-profit standards setting and certification organization for the aluminum value chain with the vision to maximize aluminum’s contribution to a sustainable society. By joining, apt underlines its strategy to make a sustainable contribution to the aluminum industry.
The apt Group has chosen to emphasize its contribution to sustainable action in the aluminum industry by joining ASI. “We have decided to join the ASI to underline our commitment to a sustainable development and future-oriented corporate management.” says Michael Zint, CEO of the apt Group. “The apt Group thus commits to sustainability and climate protection and makes its contribution to the German aluminium industry’s goal of being an enabler for the European Green Deal. ASI has developed into a meaningful organization whose certifications are recognized worldwide due to their scope, independence and transparency.” explains Zint.
By joining the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative, the apt Group commits to certifying against the ASI Performance Standard. This standard defines environmental, social and governance principles and criteria.
About apt
The apt Group is one of the leading companies in the European aluminium industry. It manufactures, processes and sells aluminium profiles and products for the construction, transport, automotive and industry sectors. With its four production sites, the group is divided into the divisions apt Extrusions and apt Products. It covers the entire value chain – from development, recycling, extrusion, fabrication, surface finishing (anodising and powder coating) to assembly and logistics. With around 1,000 employees, the group generates revenues of about 250 million euros.
About ASI
The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) promotes measurable and continual improvements in the key environmental, social and governance impacts of aluminium production, use and recycling. ASI is the only voluntary standards system focused on the entire global aluminium value chain. Its flagship is an independent third-party certification program that covers both performance and chain of custody.
Picture credits: apt Group
Michael Zint, CEO apt Group
Picture credits: apt Group
apt Group locations in Germany, the Netherlands and Czech Republic
Picture credits: Aluminium Stewardship Inititative
Aluminium Stewardship Inititative logo
For more information please contact
Felix Watermeyer, Marketing Referent
+49 2173 / 962 333